
To join the Carl Schurz German-American Club simply fill out our membership application form and return it to us (e-mail, fax or postal service):

Membership Application Form (PDF file)

Articles-of-Association (PDF-Datei)


Articles of Association of Carl Schurz Deutsch-Amerikanischer Club e.V.

§ 1 Name of Association and Registered Office
The Association bears the name "Carl Schurz Deutsch-Amerikanischer Club e. V.” Its registered offices are in Bremen, Germany. The Association was duly registered with the Registry of Associations (Vereinsregister) in Bremen on November 29th, 1950 under the registry number VR 1333. The Association’s business year corresponds with the calendar year.

§ 2 Objective
The objective of the Association is the promotion of cultural and other relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America. It thereby works to foster an attitude of international openness and understanding. To achieve these goals the Association organizes lectures, workshops, receptions, and youth services, and supports educational travel. The Association does not in any way pursue political or religious objectives. The Association solely and directly pursues charitable objectives that are of public benefit in accordance with the sense of the “Tax-Exempt Objectives” section laid down in the German tax code. The Association’s activities are altruistic, serve the wider community, and do not primarily pursue commercial objectives.

§ 3 Membership
Individuals, companies, legal entities, and corporate bodies can apply for membership. The Board of the Association must either accept or reject a membership application. In the event that an application is rejected, the Board need not justify or explain its decision. Rejected applicants may call upon the Annual General Meeting to turn over the Board’s decision. Individuals under the age of 30 can apply for reduced rate membership. Membership ends after termination by the individual, or their death or expulsion. Membership can be terminated at any time in writing. However, termination of membership does not exonerate the member from paying the membership fees for the current business year. The Board may expel a member of the Association for a compellingreason. Retiring or expelled members have no legal claim to the Association’s assets.

§ 4 Membership Fees and Use of Resources
The Annual General Meeting determines the Association’s annual membership fees. All membership fees are due at the beginning of each business year. Funds belonging to the Association may only be used for statutory purposes. No member or members shall receive payments from the funds of the Association. No individual or individuals may benefit from expenses foreign to the objectives of the Association, or from disproportionately high remuneration.

§ 5 Bodies
The bodies of the Association consist of the Board and the Annual General Meeting.

§ 6 Board
The Board consists of 8 to 10 individuals, from which it chooses the Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Chair and Deputy Chair shall be designated “President” and “Vice President.” The Annual General Meeting elects Board members for a term of 3 (three) years. The Board remains in office after the end of the three-year term until a new Board has been elected. The Board manages the Association. Its resolutions are made by simple majority. In case of parity, the Chair shall have the casting vote. Pursuant to § 26 of the German Civil Code the Board is governed by the Chair and Deputy Chair and each are empowered with the right of sole representation. The Board acts on behalf of the Association on a voluntary basis. It is entitled to claim for the reimbursement of its monetary expenses.

§ 7 Annual General Meeting
The regular Annual General Meeting is held during the first half of the business year and has the following duties:

discharging the Board
discharging the Auditors
electing a new Board if necessary
passing resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association.

The Board can convoke an Extraordinary General Meeting whenever necessary. Notice of the convocation of the General Meeting must be given, in written form, to the scheduled venue at least 14 (fourteen) days prior to the meeting, and must include a proper agenda. Any full member is eligible to vote and has one vote. Resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association require a two-thirds majority. The proceedings of the General Meeting are to be entered into a written record, which must be signed by the Secretary.

§ 8 Dissolution
Any dissolution of the Association must be resolved upon by the General Meeting and shall require the approval of at least three-quarters of the attendant members. Should the Association be dissolved or should it abandon its tax-exempt objectives, the Association’s assets shall go to the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen as represented by the Senate, to be used to promote international understanding between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America.

§ 9 Office
The Board can rent office space in order to manage daily operations.